
We are working to revolutionize the way life insurance policy holders manage and look after their policies

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Who we are

ellos is a leading innovator in life insurance analytics. Our transparent, holistic and data-driven approach to selecting optimal protect and grow products features a suitability policy health review including a life resiliency score, peer benchmarking, a recommendation engine, and product matching tools.
Our independent research, ratings and tools are helping people across the life insurance ecosystem write their financial future. We developed a proprietary scoring systems that shows our members their gaps in savings, life insurance coverage and benchmarks their policies against industry averages. 
We are a change agent, we hire the best minds in life insurance committed to our ellos promise and best practices, led by a proven team who has sold hundreds of millions in life insurance, and guided by some of the most renowned experts in the industry

Why we are

We built ellos to be a platform founded by love, warmth, empathy and abundance. We are a growth mindset team with big hearts, big ideas, and a lot of institutional knowledge in the life insurance space. We see through countless personal stories and first-hand experiences how the suitability of life insurance policies can impact and change lives. We are passionate about becoming change agents in this space by focusing on putting the individual first and foremost, and supporting them in their life journey by protecting and growing their wealth, and ultimately meeting their goals.

Our mission

We want our community to feel energized and confident in how to best protect and grow their wealth through life’s journey with our guidance and recommendations.
We are changing the narrative on life insurance. Life is not linear, and your life insurance should not be static but should adapt to you and your life circumstances. 
In collaboration with trusted and consistent interactions with advisors and in a simplified and streamlined process, we want to make life insurance relatable in language we can all understand.
We want to help our community optimize, protect and grow products, and through a holistic data-driven approach we can curate and personalize the consumer experience to meet our members where they are in their life. 
We believe in transparency and collaboration and normalizing the conversation around life insurance with peers, loved ones and advisors.
We want to support our members in creating and monitoring the foundation of their financial health as a launchpad for living their best (sometimes non-linear) lives.